Please support Mudflat and our programs!
Mudflat is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to Mudflat are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
You can designate your donation to any of these Mudflat Funds (details below):
Mudflat General Fund
Mudflat Artist of Color Summer Ceramics Residency Program Fund
Mudflat Artist Residency (AIR) Fund
Mudflat Building & Equipment Fund
Mudflat Scholarship Funds (McCooey, Schorr, Fuchel, Koplow)
Mudflat Community Outreach Program Fund
Thank you for your generous support!
* You will be able to designate your donation to the fund of your choice on the next page*

Read about our different funds below:
Mudflat General Fund
Our vision for Mudflat’s growth includes a breadth and depth of high quality programs that develop the creative and technical skills of potters and sculptors of all ages and abilities. We work to provide opportunities for expanded programming that includes more visiting artists, adjunct classes and community outreach. We offer studio arrangements that encourage interaction and collaborations among professional ceramic artists. As a community we participate in events that benefit people beyond our doors through our annual Empty Bowls fundraiser and community outreach programming. All of these support Mudflat’s mission to promote excellence and participation in the ceramic arts. Thank you!
Mudflat Artist of Color Summer Ceramics Residency Program Fund
During 2022, Mudflat will focus our fundraising efforts on a new fund to support artists of color. Our goal of $37,500 will fund 5 years of summer residencies for 5 or more artists.
Beginning in Summer 2023, Mudflat will offer a new residency opportunity for self-identifying artists of color working in ceramics. Applicants at any stage of their career, can apply for a 1-3 month summer residency (between June and August). Mudflat will provide a private studio space at our facility in East Somerville MA, and a $2,500 per month stipend to cover housing, materials, & expenses. Applicants will propose how they intend to use this residency program; options include, but are not limited to: ● Developing teaching experience by presenting a workshop(s), ● Presenting a solo exhibition, ● Dedicating time to create a body of work.
Mudflat will provide support to structure the residency to further an applicant’s artistic career and facilitate mentorship relationships and encourage dialogue with the artistic community at Mudflat during this residency program.
Mudflat Artist Residency (AIR) Fund
Support for Mudflat's artist residency program provides stipends for materials and housing for the ceramic artist selected each year through a competitve application process. Since 1996 Mudflat has hosted 26 national and international artists for a one year residency, providing a private studio, support for their work, and a solo exhibition. Celebrate Mudflat's AIRs!
Mudflat Building & Equipment Fund
The Mudflat's Building & Equipment Fund seeks to provide funds to maintain our facility, make additional payments to our commercial loan, add new physical amenities and green technologies, and guarantee Mudflat's future health as a thriving cultural organization. Past support has been used to maintain and expand our pottery wheels, electric and gas kilns, and other equipment and facility issues that are critical to our programming. Thank you!
Mudflat Scholarship Funds
Mudflat's four scholarship funds are supported by the generous contributions from individuals and by revenues from our Open Studio Pottery Raffles. Since 1998, Mudflat has awarded $95,767 in financial aid to 517 individuals.
A limited number of partial scholarships for any adult class are available each semester to adult students needing financial assistance through the John McCooey Fund, established in 1998 in memory of a long-time Mudflat student.
In 2004 Mudflat established a scholarship fund to benefit children and their families. The Elee Koplow Scholarship Fund, in memory of this long-time Mudflat artist and teacher, provides financial assistance for children, teen, and parent & child classes.
A scholarship fund in memory of Mudflat founder Ellen Schorr was established in 2015 with support from Ellen's family and friends. Scholarships will be awarded to adult students who are seriously pursuing education in the ceramic arts.
Our newest scholarship fund was established in 2016 by family members to honor Judith Fuchel-Mahler. Scholarships will be awarded to adult students who are studying handbuilding and sculpture in the ceramic arts.
Thank you!
Mudflat Community Outreach Program Fund
As a complement to our core program of classes and workshops for adults, children and teens, Mudflat offers opportunities for school and youth groups to visit our facility for a hands-on experience working with clay. These field trip visits are led by Mudflat faculty and incorporate age-appropriate clay working techniques in handbuilding and wheelthrowing skills. Participants create works in clay that they make and decorate; all work is fired in Mudflat kilns to produce a finished product.
Contributions to Mudflat's Community Outreach Program Fund support visits to Mudflat by groups with limited financial resources and provide a valuable artistic experience for all children and teens hoping to explore their creativity in clay. Current community partners include the Mystic Learning Center, the Welcome Project, Teen Empowerment, and the HomeBase program for veterans and their families. Thank you!