Friends of Mudflat
Perks Subscription
(Formerly called Membership)
Enrolled students who take classes every semester and/or sign up for workshops, might be interested in purchasing a Mudflat Perks Subscription at the time of registration. The Mudflat Perks Subscription provides the following benefits:
10% discount on class tuition and intro workshops
Special member discount (up to 50%) on other workshops
Early registration for classes and workshops*
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Open Studio and Sale events in May and December
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Gallery in Porter Square, Cambridge
The Mudflat Perks Subscription provides the discounts listed above but does not include studio access - you must be enrolled in a class to use the Mudflat facility.
*Please note there is no early registration for the August semester of classes.
​When taking new subscribers, Perks Subscriptions can only be purchased during registration periods. Registration periods begin on the first day of general registration and last for 1 month. We do not take Perks Subscription purchases outside of a registration period. A one year Perk Subscription is $200, and your discount can be applied immediately if registering for a class or workshop. You are not required to become a Subscriber to take classes at Mudflat.
TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES: In order to register, you must create a online account. You can find the tutorials for creating an account and registering on our registration page.
When your Perks Subscription is due for renewal, you will receive an invoice from Mudflat via email, rather than renew when signing up for your class or workshop. When your renewal date is approaching, invoices will be sent out at the beginning of the regitration period (referenced above) and be valid for 1 month. If you would like to renew your Mudflat Perk Subscription, pay the invoice by the listed due date. If you do not want to renew, do not pay the invoice. Not paying the issued invoice will result in the cancellation of your Mudflat Perks Subscription. ​​​​

Become a Lifetime Subscriber!
This is a great way to show your support for Mudflat. Lifetime Subscriber is for one adult and includes all of the above benefits. $2000; please contact the Mudflat office for more information.
Vaild for one year. Subscriptions do not grant studio access

Best Value
Mudflat Perks Subscription
Valid for one year
10% discount on class tuition and intro workshops
Early registration for classes and workshops
Special member discount (up to 50%) on other workshops
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Open Studio and Sales
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Gallery in Porter Sq

Best Value
Lifetime Sustaining Subscriber
Valid until canceled
10% discount on class tuition and intro workshops
Special member discount (up to 50%) on other workshops
Early registration for classes and workshops
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Open Studio events
10% discount on purchases at Mudflat Gallery in Porter Sq